I have been on blood pressure medication since around 2005. I was at work when suddenly my visual field began to go black and my hearing left me. Thankfully, I was surrounded by other health professionals who realized something was wrong. Quick action got me to the emergency department where it was discovered my blood pressure was in stroke range. That began my daily ritual of taking blood pressure medication. In January, my husband and I moved to Virginia. I had accepted a new role with a new company. My daily prayers included asking God for new health, new strength, new courage, etc. I did not want to carry anything into my new position that would impair my ability to be my best. Others were praying the same things for me. In March I experienced a near-fainting episode in the middle of the night. I had gotten up to let our dog out. The episode came without warning, and I had to hold onto the door frame to steady myself. All I could think of was what my husband's reaction w...
Navigating today's world can be challenging. Each day requires new agility, stamina, courage and a sense of humor. Recently, one of my daughters asked me how I remain so positive. My response was this: "Prayer and my connection to God through embracing his Word gives me joy no matter the situation." God is real and the Bible is relevant for today, tomorrow, and forever. The last few years have solidified my purpose: to encourage others by sharing God's answers to today's challenges. Blessings!