We are visiting ministries here in the Roanoke Valley and today we attended a Baptist ministry in Salem. Service was excellent. The women's ensemble provided the worship songs: a very talented woman was the pianist, director, and one of the vocalist. Each selection glorified God and reminded all in attendance that faith in Jesus is the answer to every situation. The sermon was based on Ezekiel 37:1-7...the valley of dry bones. When you carefully read the verses, you will see that there were many, many, dry and disconnected bones. God asks Ezekiel a question: "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel gave a very wise answer: "O Lord God, thou knowest." In other words, Ezekiel was saying "God, You know the answer to Your question." God responded and told Ezekiel to speak the word of the Lord to the bones. Ezekiel obeyed and the dry, disconnected bones came together; God added tendons, muscle and flesh. But there was still no life. God commanded Ezekiel to speak t...
Navigating today's world can be challenging. Each day requires new agility, stamina, courage and a sense of humor. Recently, one of my daughters asked me how I remain so positive. My response was this: "Prayer and my connection to God through embracing his Word gives me joy no matter the situation." God is real and the Bible is relevant for today, tomorrow, and forever. The last few years have solidified my purpose: to encourage others by sharing God's answers to today's challenges. Blessings!