Have you ever experienced someone "throwing up" on you? I'm not talking about someone who is sick. What I'm talking about is the person who starts a conversation and spends the next 15 or 20 minutes telling you all the mess that is in their life. They barely take a breath between sentences and they have no intention of letting you say anything. They don't want advice or anything related to common sense. All they want to do is "throw up" and when they are done, they walk away and leave you questioning "What just happened?" The Bible tells us to confess our faults and to pray for each other so that we can be healed (James 5:16a). There is a godly purpose behind these kinds of conversations. Sharing our struggles and praying together gives us the strength to overcome the struggles. This one of the benefits of having other believers in our lives. We hold ourselves and each other accountable. Confession with accountability is totally different than...
Navigating today's world can be challenging. Each day requires new agility, stamina, courage and a sense of humor. Recently, one of my daughters asked me how I remain so positive. My response was this: "Prayer and my connection to God through embracing his Word gives me joy no matter the situation." God is real and the Bible is relevant for today, tomorrow, and forever. The last few years have solidified my purpose: to encourage others by sharing God's answers to today's challenges. Blessings!