Today has been a wonderful day. My husband and I are committed to reaching out to other ministries to establish a connection and to see if there are ways we can work together. Today we visited a ministry in Raleigh and were so blessed by the worship, the sermon, and the warm welcome of the members. The praise team led us in singing two very powerful songs: "Trading My Sorrows" and "He Made a Way." Almost everyone was singing along and the presence of God was strong in the place. Immediately after worship the speaker began his teaching in the book of Judges with Samson and how the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson. The speaker moved from there to show everyone other Scriptures where God's Spirit is involved in using ordinary people in producing supernatural results. The speaker encouraged us to embrace the fact that God wants to use people to demonstrate His power. What a refreshing blessing! Indeed, God has not changed in His desire to move in and through t...
Navigating today's world can be challenging. Each day requires new agility, stamina, courage and a sense of humor. Recently, one of my daughters asked me how I remain so positive. My response was this: "Prayer and my connection to God through embracing his Word gives me joy no matter the situation." God is real and the Bible is relevant for today, tomorrow, and forever. The last few years have solidified my purpose: to encourage others by sharing God's answers to today's challenges. Blessings!