How can there be a multi-car "pile up" accident at a light, at an intersection where the top speed is 35 miles per hour? I don't know how the accident happened but it did. Yesterday, I was shopping for a birthday present. I came out of the store to see flashing blue lights across the parking lot. A gentleman coming toward me warned that there had been a bad accident. He advised to not go out the closest exit that led to the intersection, as there were several cars involved. As we were talking, other emergency vehicles arrived. I thanked the gentleman for alerting me and continued toward my car. In a few moments I could clearly see the accident was indeed bad. I had used that same intersection to get to the store and it would have been the one I would have chosen to exit the shopping complex. If I had left the store a few minutes earlier, I might have been in the accident. I prayed for the people involved. My hope is that no one was seriously hurt. And I tha...
Navigating today's world can be challenging. Each day requires new agility, stamina, courage and a sense of humor. Recently, one of my daughters asked me how I remain so positive. My response was this: "Prayer and my connection to God through embracing his Word gives me joy no matter the situation." God is real and the Bible is relevant for today, tomorrow, and forever. The last few years have solidified my purpose: to encourage others by sharing God's answers to today's challenges. Blessings!